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Identify novel agents for the treatment of multiple inflammatory diseases that share common pathways

Ensure robust and meaningful data through effective trial design and endpoint assessment

Engage in effective partnerships that facilitate movement of therapies through the clinical development life cycle

Leveraging integrated medical, operational and commercial approaches for inflammation study success

A holistic approach to inflammation research

The current understanding of inflammatory dysregulation shared across many organs, systems and diseases means that single organ-based symptom relief is insufficient. It is key for you to harness a more holistic approach to inflammation drug development, addressing the imbalance between immune activation and control.

By doing this, you target disease modification instead of symptom alleviation, which has tremendous future implications as over 80 chronic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID) share similar molecular pathways.

Harness our scientific expertise and experience in bringing inflammation therapies to market, enabling you to extend the reach and bring benefit to more patients.

Maximize the return on your product

The interconnected nature of inflammatory diseases creates complexity within inflammation research, but also the opportunity for a high return on investment for successful therapeutic agents.

For this strategic approach, you need a single partner that can screen novel agents in multiple inflammatory diseases. We offer extensive preclinical and clinical expertise to help identify and advance your novel agents, whether they are new chemical entities, biologics, biosimilars or stem cells.  

High-quality data and low-risk trials, wherever you are

Progressing your new therapy into trials requires you to find the right patients and the most suitable sites, which are often found all over the world. To support your global study plan, you need a partner with a global footprint.

At any one time, our central laboratory services work on over 40% of clinical trials worldwide. Insights gained from the data collected, which is housed in a central knowledge base, allow us to strategically address your clinical trial needs. You can also leverage Labcorp data by using Xcellerate® Trial Design to pressure test trial protocols, identify optimal sites and target specific patient populations. Our worldwide pool of expertise allows centralized assessment of trial endpoints and ongoing test results, wherever your trial sites are, yielding consistent analyses and data you can rely on. 

Therapy area expertise combined with extensive clinical development experience

Succeeding in a competitive and complex disease landscape requires expertise and a deep understanding of your specific therapy area, biomarker identification and validation, the current regulatory environment and in some cases, biosimilar development.

We have conducted 190 studies in rheumatoid arthritis since 2012 (Phase I–IV). The top three best-selling rheumatoid arthritis drugs of 2015 were developed in partnership with us, and we were involved in the development of the first marketed anti-IL-6 product. Our years of experience in bringing inflammation treatments to market is consistently supported by our expert regulatory team. Each team member has up to 30 years of experience in dealing with both global and local agencies worldwide.

Underpinning the success of drugs developed with us is our longstanding expertise in the identification, development and validation of biomarkers. Access our world-leading global central laboratory capabilities where we have over 4,800 tests, including a comprehensive range of standard and specialist inflammatory biomarker assays, such as the eosinophil cationic protein test.  

Full-service partnerships, from concept to commercialization

A collaboration with a contract research organization that has broad scientific expertise is required in inflammatory disease research. Our specialized scientific and operational teams are positioned to help move your products from concept to commercialization, facilitating transition between stages of the development continuum.  

We have experience with 14 of the 15 top IMID drugs and are adept in providing the necessary tools for your therapy to achieve success in the field of inflammatory diseases.

Sophisticated informatics suite reducing risk, time and cost in clinical trials

Our proprietary Xcellerate® Informatics Suite leverages patient data to help you make informed clinical trial decisions. Xcellerate trial design combines our diagnostic and disease data with our global investigator historical performance database. This enables us to recommend the best study sites based on the location of target patient pools and the ranking of trial investigators. Xcellerate Trial Design can also be used to pressure test protocols to maximize patient availability before finalizing entry criteria.

Our other Xcellerate informatics solutions can increase operational efficiencies across all aspects of your trial, covering processes such as trial management and site performance monitoring while reducing risks through independent data review and near-real-time quantification of adverse events and protocol deviations. Using these advanced analytical solutions, trial timelines can be reduced by up to seven months and costs reduced by millions of dollars.

Integrated services

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