Late Clinical Trials: Phase IIb-III

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A clinical research partner with experience in more than 55 countries

Plan on quality to prevent drug development errors, minimize delays and mitigate risk

A comprehensive suite of services to fulfill any global clinical trial needs

Better phase IIb/phase III clinical trial patient recruitment. Tighter resource forecasts.

We help you find the most appropriate locations, most qualified investigators and best patient enrollment populations. Our proprietary informatics capability, Xcellerate®, means you can engage investigators more likely to help you meet your patient enrollment goals from the start. Beyond clinical recruitment, we help you optimize cycle time, uncover supply chain needs and better manage your budget.  

One size does not fit all.

You’re not looking for just any experts—you want the right team for your study. We provide a seasoned project management team with relevant scientific and therapeutic expertise in your specific study needs. And, our P3 (predictive, proactive, preventative) Operating Platform helps you rest assured that your projects are delivered within time, quality and profitability targets.

Out of pocket, out of mind.

Investigator out-of-pocket costs can make up almost half of your total study budget. We have global processes to ensure efficient, timely and accurate invoicing, which helps you stay within +/-3% of your planned budget more than 90% of the time. This mitigates the surprises that can impact your ROI.

When the stakes are high, you need an experienced end-to-end partner.

With your drug’s future on the line, you need to navigate a global maze of patient populations, practice patterns and regulatory requirements, often also languages and time zones, before the goal of regulatory approval is in sight. It’s challenging and requires a broad range of expert resources. We offer a comprehensive suite of clinical phase IIb/III services to keep your study on track and improve your ROI.

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