Preclinical, Clinical Trials & Diagnostics

Immuno-oncology & Oncology

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Your one source to achieve your next cancer breakthrough

More than half a million people with cancer will die this year; our mission is to be your one source to improve people's health and lives. 

From hundreds of preclinical tumor models and cell line assays to oncology clinical trials and post-market studies, we can help you get your next breakthrough cancer drug or precision medicine treatment to those who desperately need it.

How a blood test is making cancer care more equitable

We're committed to helping you and your loved ones find personalized cancer care options. That's why we teamed up with WIRED Brand Lab to show how our simple blood test is making targeted cancer therapies more accessible. Produced by WIRED Brand Lab with Labcorp.

Clinical trials

In the last five years, our expertise, insights and market impact have been demonstrated in excess of 975 oncology studies (300 in immuno-oncology) across nearly 19,000 sites in 83 countries with more than 104,000 oncology patients. 

Embrace a personalized medicine approach that targets therapies to specific subsets of patients and begins in the preclinical phase of drug development. 

Technology is front and center of patient support programs today, but it isn’t a silver bullet. We need to balance technology with people and processes to achieve the right equilibrium of efficiency and risk.
Utilize biomarkers in clinical oncology development to provide key data for earlier decision making as well as patient and site selection


Codevelop a drug with oncology companion diagnostics to help identify patients most likely to benefit from your next cancer breakthrough

Preclinical immunotherapy

The industry has approached immuno-oncology from many angles, thus requiring identification, development and refinement of models capable of recapitulating optimal biological dynamics along with the associated and relevant endpoints.

Precision medicine and clinical trials

Making gains in precision medicine for clinical trials requires novel methods to quickly test and target the right therapy to the right individual. In addition to dozens of late-stage immuno-oncology clinical trials, we have also supported more than 70% of all FDA-approved companion diagnostic products

Oncology resources and education

Oncology events and webinars

The Patient Journey in CAR T: Patient & Physician Perspectives

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