Optimize and speed patient enrollment

Patient Recruitment for Clinical Trials

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Apply a data-driven approach to identify and recruit specific patient populations

Find and compare performance ranks to optimize site selection

Meet—and exceed—your patient recruitment goals

Find and enroll participants with better results using our innovative clinical informatics solutions for patient recruitment. 

A better way to design, plan and drive patient enrollment

Patient recruitment for clinical trials remains a major challenge that can demand anywhere from 20%-60% of a total clinical development timeline and up to 40% of trial costs. That’s why you need our streamlined, multifaceted approach that leverages a wealth of clinical data to fully optimize your trial, reduce costs and keep your timeline on track.

Identify optimal study sites

Site selection plays a big role in patient recruitment. You can weed out non-recruiting sites from the start and compare investigator performance by leveraging our historical performance data. We track 175,000 investigators associated with more than 11,000 protocols so you’ll select known performers for your trial—and accelerate your recruitment. 

Pinpoint patient densities to boost recruitment

Take advantage of a trove of Labcorp’s de-identified patient test results—11 billion results and growing—to locate patients with specific conditions by clinical diagnosis codes, an invaluable tool especially important for rare disease studies.

Together with information about their physicians, you can recognize where investigators are well matched to patient densities—and where potential opportunities exist to find new investigative sites. It’s just another way we can help you take advantage of untapped patient densities and maximize your recruitment possibilities. 

Clinical informatics drive powerful insights

With more than 40% of the industry’s clinical trial data passing through our central laboratories, you have the world’s largest database at your disposal. Combined with Labcorp’s de-identified diagnostic data from 160 million patients, you can gain new insights on available patient populations.

Let’s help you make more accurate clinical trial enrollment models and set up reliable target goals so you can make smarter planning decisions.  

Informatics to improve your study design

Your protocol decisions may have unintended consequences that impact patient recruitment efforts. With our collection of 15,000 protocols, you can leverage aggregate protocol data and proactively determine the impact of inclusion/exclusion criteria on patient recruitment.

This real-world evidence allows you to explore your protocol choices and compare and contrast them to our collection. As a result of “pressure testing” your protocol, you’ll improve your confidence that eligible patients exist and the opportunity to recruit them into trials is realistic—the key to overcoming challenges in today’s complex trials. 

Experience unprecedented enrollment performance

Beyond strong connections with patient advocacy groups and our dedicated design and planning group, our access to deep, broad data throughout trial implementation supports faster, more reliable patient identification. With the trifecta of historical investigator performance data, patient de-identified diagnostic data and a global protocol database, you will yield valuable insights that not only drive faster patient enrollment but enable clinical trial optimization.

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