Efficacy Models & In Vivo Pharmacology

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In vivo pharmacology, the study of the biological effects of a compound in a living organism, gives you insight into how well your compound might be able to treat your targeted disease area. 

With hundreds of lead optimization pharmacology models and customized efficacy models for diseases, including oncology, immuno-oncology, cardiovascular, dermal, respiratory, immunology, fibrosis and renal, we can help you understand your drug's profile quickly and comprehensively.

Designing, Validating & Analyzing Hundreds of Efficacy Models

Access hundreds of validated lead optimization or custom efficacy models to help you determine the right profile for your disease indication.

 Below are some of the more common therapeutic areas we work with: 

In Vivo Pharmacology Efficacy Models

  • Anxiety
  • Bone
  • Cardiovascular
  • CNS
  • Dermal
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Infectious disease
  • Immunogenicity
  • Metabolic
  • Oncology / Tumor models
  • Pain
  • Pulmonary arterial hypertension
  • Renal
  • Respiratory disease

In Vitro Models

  • Anxiety
  • Bone
  • Cardiovascular
  • CNS
  • Dermal
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Infectious disease


Nonclinical Imaging

Our nonclinical imaging has generated significant utility, and we are working on cutting-edge applications of pharmaco-imaging across many therapeutic areas. 

Preclinical Oncology Renovation

Fully invested in your fight against cancer from the very beginning

The fight against cancer starts in the lab. That’s why we’ve invested in a renovation that doubled the size of our preclinical oncology facility in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Here you can discover enhanced capabilities and greater capacity to speed up your preclinical oncology programs.

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