Clinical Pharmacology

Clinical pharmacology provides the link between preclinical data and new treatments for patients. Whether it is your first-in-human study, an exploratory biomarker study or a study needed for your NDA package, Labcorp scientists and clinicians carefully evaluate drug safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics. We provide the answers you need to make the best decisions along your drug development pathway.

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Only CRO with multiple U.S. sites offering cGMP Phase I manufacturing for increased flexibility and reduced costs

Access to more than 83,000 healthy volunteers to speed Phase I study recruitment

Industry-leading radiolabeled hAME experience, including on-site metabolite ID

Clinical pharmacology studies only get more complicated

Let us manage complexity with you. Our integrated drug development platform is built to handle multisite hybrid study designs, rapid-sequence dose escalations, sophisticated biomarker or imaging exploratory endpoints, extemporaneous investigational product preparation and more. And as we manage the conduct of your complex study, we never take our eyes off the two critical focal points— scientific integrity and human subject safety.

Partnering with you at the moment of truth

When it comes to developing your clinical pharmacology studies for biologics and small molecules, you need a global partner that can get it done. As a team, we’ll work together to transform your preclinical safety data into robust protocols for Phase I safety and signals of target engagement and pharmacodynamics in healthy subjects and patients.

The best clinical pharmacology drug development services are built for flexibility

Clinical pharmacology is the link between the preclinical data and the targeted population. Our team of scientists and clinicians put principles into action by closely monitoring testing, including preliminary evaluation of drug safety, tolerance and pharmacokinetics. As more information on your molecule becomes available, we’ll scrutinize development progress and deliver unique insights for decisions.

As your drug moves toward registration, expertise across complex, specialty and standard studies can mean the difference between one partner and managing multiple vendors. You’ll have access to more than 316 beds at four sites across the U.S. and U.K. As one of the largest early-stage clinical research organizations in the world, we offer a comprehensive suite of pharmacology services to manage every step of your early clinical development.

  • First-in-human (FIH) single-ascending-dose/multiple-ascending-dose (SAD/MAD)
  • Food effect
  • Drug-drug interaction
  • Radiolabeled human AME and microdose
  • Cardiac safety including definitive QTc/thorough QT (TQT)
  • Asian ethnobridging
  • Bioavailability and bioequivalence
  • Hybrid studies (healthy volunteers + patients)
  • Special populations
    • Renal-impaired
    • Hepatic-impaired
    • Elderly
    • Patients
  • Special procedures
    • Inhalation studies, bronchoscopy
    • Cerebrospinal fluid sampling
    • Ultrasound, FibroScan, CT, MRI, PET
    • Echocardiography

Four clinical research units to best serve your needs

  • Dallas, TX

    With more than 25 years of research experience, our Dallas clinic has conducted more than 700 inpatient and outpatient Phase I-IV clinical trials of investigational medications. We have deep experience with special populations such as Type 1 and 2 diabetics, healthy elderly, high cholesterol, obese and postmenopausal women.

    Site Profile | Visitor Guide

    Dallas Facility
  • Daytona Beach, FL

    Our Daytona clinic has extensive experience with a range of trials such as FIH, pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamics, definitive QTc, drug-drug interaction, bioequivalence, bioavailability, proof-of-concept, food effect and SAD/MAD trials.

    Site Profile | Visitor Guide

    Daytona Facility
  • Leeds, U.K.

    For more than 35 years, our Leeds clinical research unit has conducted a range of pharmacology studies from FIH to registration enabling clinical trials. This clinic is one of our most experienced centers for complex study design and execution including adaptive, hybrid FIH and ethnobridging studies.

    Site Profile | Visitor Guide

    Leeds Facility
  • Leeds Draper’s Yard, U.K.

    Expected to be fully operational in Q1 of 2023, our newest clinical research unit has increased cGMP pharmacy space, a bigger clinic bed capacity to handle a variety of complex Phase I studies and a reimagined ground floor visitor suite to expedite screenings and enhance the overall volunteer experience.

    Discover the New Clinic | Site Profile

    Leeds Draper's Yard Facility
  • Madison, WI

    Our Madison clinical research unit is the global leader in the conduct of radiolabeled clinical studies. Real-time radioanalysis (for recovery) is performed on-site to determine exact day of discharge.

    Site Profile | Visitor Guide

    Madison Facility

Take a Virtual Tour of Our Clinics

Hospital partnerships for more meaningful clinical research

As you perform an increasing number of clinical Phase I studies in patient populations, it helps to have an ally with deep hospital partnerships. By collaborating with hospitals near our clinical research centers, we’re able to conduct high-quality first-in-human early clinical research in a safe and regulated environment. Together, we give you a powerful combination of expertise in patient access and specialist patient care at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital in the UK and the Indiana CTSI Clinical Research Center.

Innovative subject recruitment through a variety of channels

  • Social media 
  • Clinical trials (United States, United Kingdom)
  • Local community outreach
  • Referral programs 
  • Radio, television and online advertising
  • Call centers

Creating a positive study experience attracts repeat participation and generates referrals. Ninety-five percent of our subjects would refer Labcorp to friend.

Clinical Pharmacology Education Center 

  • Scientific posters
  • Articles and white papers
  • Blog posts
  • Videos and webinars

Let's Start The Conversation

Patients can’t wait and neither can we. Leverage our 25 years of global hAME leadership and deep scientific expertise in clinical pharmacology studies to advance your compound through early clinical development and beyond.

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