Compelling evidence is essential to demonstrate value and gain market access.

Real World Evidence / Evidence Generation

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Designing and Executing Studies That Can Make a Real World Difference

The goal of our outcomes research strategies is to ensure that you are on track to develop evidence to demonstrate the comparative value of your product and to meet the needs of patients, payers, providers and other stakeholders at launch.

Market access experts works with you to develop evidence to support your value proposition through services including:

  • RWE – strategy
  • RWE – prospective observational studies
  • RWE – retrospective data analyses
  • Comparative effectiveness and safety studies
  • Regulatory and measurement strategy in a COA/PRO
  • COA/PRO instrument selection and adaptation
  • COA/PRO instrument development and validation
  • eCOA/ePRO services
  • Literature review and meta-analysis
  • Incidence, prevalence and burden of illness
  • Health economic assessments and costing algorithms
  • Treatment and utilization patterns
  • Health economic models and HTA submissions
  • Post hoc analysis

Companies need to demonstrate more than just clinical efficacy and safety to secure reimbursement in today’s marketplace. Turn to the experienced market access team to help generate the evidence you need to optimize value.

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